Disturbia Haunted House Review 2024
Disturbia Haunted House Review 2024
Halloween Blast visited Disturbia Haunted House this weekend at 1213 Butterfield Rd Suite D, Downers Grove, IL 60515. Tickets range between $24.99-$34.99 depending on the package you choose. Parking is free. Please dress appropriately because you will be waiting outside. Before you head into the haunt, dance all your fears out while you wait in line! Being at Disturbia feels like you’re at a concert because they get the crowd so pumped up! It is always a great time as the actors know how to pump up the crowd, but don’t let them fool you! Sometimes they throw merchandise into the crowd as well! They also have a booth where you can buy merchandise, drinks and chips.
As we enter the haunt we can say for one thing is for sure and that is they added a new room. We won’t say too much, but this room was covered from top to bottom with things to look at. It was so cool and very detailed. While we were busy looking at all the stuff in the haunt, Karen got scared by the actors. Remember to keep your eyes peeled! We aren’t usually easy to scare but they really got Karen! Not just once but multiple times and it really hard to scare her. So great job to the haunters at Disturbia. The actors did a great job of using their space and lighting well. They popped in and out of the dark, and little spaces that you wouldn’t even think of. One of the actors was a lot of fun. She followed us from room to room. We really enjoyed her energy and how she was popping out from corners and even saying “I see you” or “I found you!” Then later, we saw her again and she goes “see? I said I was going to follow you!” We were getting creeped out now, but we love it because a lot of actors will say “you can’t escape” or “I’ll hunt you down” and you will never see them again in the haunt. She actually followed us and was popping out of spots we wouldn’t even think of an actor popping out of. There was another girl in the doll room that asked us if we wanted to play and we didn’t want to, so as we walked into the next room, she was hanging out of the window asking us where we were going. Again, the Disturbia crew did a great job. We have to move on to the haunt now, or we will be talking about the actors forever.
There are a couple of rooms to highlight. We said before there is a new room. We still won’t talk about it, because it’s that great. You have to visit Disturbia yourself to experience it, but here are some rooms we will talk about! One of them is the pumpkin room. We’re pretty sure we talked about this before, but it is just so amazing not to talk about it over and over. The pumpkin room’s walls have Jack O’lanterns all over the walls and they are all lit up as well. We also like how some of the actors are dressed up to the theme of the room. It is not just a zombie walking around like a mutant pumpkin trying to attack you. They also have some cool animatronic pumpkins as well! Another room we will highlight is the cemetery room. We love the mausoleums they have built with skeletons buried in the walls. This area is also very low lit and fog clouds the room like a misty night in a cemetery. Finally, we will talk about the hospital area. They have nurses working on patients. The room looks and feels like a real operating room. We liked the sounds of a surgical saw cutting through bones. It is really awesome to see how much detail they put into these rooms, and that’s just a few of the rooms in this haunt.
Disturbia is always a great time. They have won countless awards including 2 from us. When visiting Disturbia you can see why. The outside area is always a blast, the actors both inside the haunt and out are just incredible, we can never say enough about them. The detail inside the haunt has details top to bottom where you’re looking at stuff and an actor will come along and scare you half to death! The bathrooms are even Beetlejuice themed with music playing. Disturbia goes above and beyond with everything! If you have never been to Disturbia, go check them out and see what you have been missing out on! If you have been there before, check them out again this year because the new room is mind blowing! We hope you have an amazing night!

Evil Intentions Review 2024
Evil Intentions Review 2024
On October 20th we visited Evil Intentions at their new location. If you have been to Evil Intentions before, they were in the Elgin area. Their new location is 45W050 Beith Rd, Maple Park, IL 60151. Ticket prices are $35 for General Admission, VIP is $50 which lets you skip the line, and finally the Instant Access which is $75 lets you enter the haunt right away, no waiting at all. Now the haunt is in Forsaken Hollow, which is a park that has Evil Intentions Haunted House and Monster Purge (which is a paintball attraction). In the future, Forsaken Hollow will have more attractions in the upcoming years, but for now it’s just the two. This however, is a review on Evil Intentions, so we will not talk about Monster Purge. Plus we ran out of time to even try Monster Purge that night anyways. So let’s get into the review on Evil Intentions!
Like we said, Evil Intentions is at a new location, so everything is different. A huge change is that they have a corn field now. To get to the haunt, you have to walk through the corn field. They tell you to stay on the path or you will get lost in the field. As we walked through, some of the monsters appeared out of nowhere from the corn stalks. We didn’t even see them coming! You can hear them, but you don’t know where they are because you are surrounded by corn that is blowing in the wind. Every stalk is making sounds. We were honestly amazed to see corn still in the field. We thought it would have been picked by then. As we followed the path, we found shoes on the ground along the way. Later, we saw a girl sitting on the ground with no shoes asking us to stay with her. Karen said, “absolutely not” and started speed walking because she was so freaked out. The paths are pretty dark as well, so you can’t see anything. Finally, we got to a house that was at the end of the corn field.
Once you get out of the field you see (queue the evil music) EVIL INTENTIONS! You walk up to the house and you see a bunch of coffins as a tribute to the last location. Karen thought monsters were gonna pop out of the coffins and scare her, so she was very cautious. Then when you actually enter the haunt, you see a demon bug pop out of nowhere and scare you! They did choose to keep parts of the old haunt such as the coffin maze. We really enjoyed that and they made it longer this time. If you are claustrophobic, this is probably not the haunt for you. Coffins are purposely tight spaces. You can’t see anything and it’s really dark. Also, another part of the haunt we really liked was the room with all the mannequins. They added onto that and added more of them. They had mannequins, and a few actors, but you don’t know which is which. The last thing we want to say is that they did a super good job of line control. There was a group in front of us and they made sure that the other group got split up and we didn’t end up with a conga line.
After the haunt is over, they have bathrooms with sinks in them, which is great. They also had some booths that sold artwork and stickers. When talking to the owner we mentioned the corn field felt kind of empty as much as we loved it. Turns out they only had 3 months to get stuff up and running, so looking back you can see they did a lot in those months. A lot happened behind the scenes which we will not talk about, but the Evil Intentions put in a lot of hard work. To people reading this, it is not easy moving to a new location and putting a haunt up in the amount of time they had. It takes time. The amount of time they had and the amount of detail they put in so far is a pretty fantastic feat, so for that we have to give them a lot of credit. It was still a good show. We still had a good time seeing the new scenes and sets they built, while bringing some scenes from Elgin to Forsaken Hollow. You’re still going to have a great time. We heard people in other rooms and in the cornfield screaming their heads off. After the haunt, we heard people saying how much fun they had and how scared they were, so Evil Intentions is still bringing fear to the people! The plans they have for this location and for the haunt itself is going to be a game changer in Chicagoland. They are onto something big that is going to blow people away! So to walk through it now and see how it looks, and to then come back next year is going to be something very special. This is the beginning for Evil Intentions on their new property. They killed it in Elgin with an amazing show and they are going to do it again at Forsaken Hollow! This time they are doing it big and Evil Intentions will be a must place to visit! We can’t wait to hear what you all think, so come see them soon!

Catacombs Review 2024
Catacombs Review 2024
Halloween Blast visited Catacombs Haunted House located at 6143 W Irving Park Rd, Chicago, IL 60634. Tickets are $15 for general admission and for VIP it’s $25. Parking is free. To buy tickets online, please visit https://scarypopcorn.com . The waiting is inside and so is the haunt. Just some fun facts for you: did you know they are actually the only haunted house IN the city of Chicago? They are also located in a Church. Before you come into the haunt, they have a little cool photo opportunity where you get your photo taken for you. This year their photo op is inside a FUNKO box. I thought that was really cool because they had a bloody doctor to pose with you if you wanted to take your photo with a character.
Let’s get started on the haunt! When you walk in you are greeted by a ghost lady. She tells you that if you’re wearing a bright color, or if it’s your birthday, you’re toast! The zombies can smell you from afar. They know you are coming. She tells you the rules and some jokes. We love this part because it’s always different from another haunt. You’re entertained. It’s not your usual, “don’t run, don’t use your phones!” The ghost lady does it in a way that’s fun and funny so you remember not to use your phone because she does it so well!
After the rules room, you enter the haunt. Although you end up in a dark hallway that gets kind of hot. This is where they split you up so that it’s not one giant conga line. We thought they did a wonderful job not having conga lines throughout the haunt. The character at the beginning who was splitting us up asked our group if we were hungry and held up a plunger covered in what looked like feces Then Karen made a joke saying she wanted to speak to a manager. He said he was the manager, then she said, “I want a different manager!” and he just pointed at the skeleton on the door! He was very amusing.
Here are some of the rooms that pop out to us. One of them is the children’s room. It has a bed with stuffed animals laying around. The girls in this room are so creepy. They were hanging off the bed begging us to play with them. As we were leaving, they asked why don’t we stay and play with them. Great job girls! A new room they have is the freezer room, with hanging bodies swinging and the room felt very cold. How they pull that off but it’s amazing! The last room we will highlight is the clown room. It was like a neon painted room with cage bars all over the room. Now let me tell you, these clowns are insane! They were jumping on boxes, hanging off the cage bars…these clowns were like they came from the asylum. We don’t know how much candy they were eating, but man were they crazy! Catacombs has been around for 45 years. That is the longest running haunted house in Chicago AND Illinois. That is very impressive! If you know the history of Halloween Blast’s, then you know we hold Catacombs close to our hearts. If it wasn’t for Catacombs, then we don’t think there would be a Halloween Blast. Catacombs was the Halloween Blast owner’s first haunted house and it made him fall in love with the industry. We were coming to catacombs back when it was called St. Pascal’s Haunted House. Over the years we see how much they have grown. It’s truly amazing how far they have come. All we have to say is congratulations to Catacombs for 45 years of fear and terror in the Chicagoland area. So everyone, please go visit Catacombs and let’s make their 45th year something to remember!

Joliet Haunted Prison Review
Joliet Haunted Prison Review
Joliet Haunted Prison is located at 401 Woodruff Rd, Joliet, IL 60432. They have multiple tickets and different packages, so for ticket prices, please go to https://hauntedprison.com When arriving at Joliet Prison, you have to go through security. After that, you will enter a midway. In the midway they have a bar where you can get alcohol drinks. They also have a gift shop where you can pick up your photos (you will take pictures before you enter the haunt). Plus, they have a food truck as well with tables to sit down at. They also have multiple games of cornhole set up as well. Joliet Haunted Prison has three parts to it. They have the prison itself, a laser tag with zombies, and Inmates Row, which is basically a maze.
The first attraction we walked though was the prison called Carnage in Cell Block 13. What is so amazing about this attraction is that it is a real prison. The cells are real, the offices are real, the beds and toilets are what the cell mates actually used! They weren’t put in by the joliet haunt team, it was there when they got the building. You are walking through what used to be an active prison. Before you walk through the haunt, they tell you don’t go inside the cells because you will be locked in and they will have to call the fire department to get you out. So DON’T GO INTO THE CELLS PLEASE! Speaking about cells, there are still inmates walking around Joliet Prison (it is part of the show, not real inmates), so be careful when walking around the prison because they may pop out and kidnap you! One part we liked was when we ran into an inmate tied down to an electric chair and she begged us to help her, but unfortunately we couldn’t and it didn’t end well for her.
The next part we walked through is zombie laser tag. As you enter, they will hand you a laser gun. On the gun you have five lives or hit points. Once you run out of lives then your game is over (don’t worry it will restart and you can continue playing!). As you walk through the attraction, zombies will try to attack you so make sure you are ready to shoot! We loved the old west theme selection in the zombie laser tag. It looked and felt like you were back in the old west. We had so much fun with zombie laser tag, the actors also did a great job as well. When you shoot them, they will fall and throw themselves back against the wall and act like they are dead. But are they really dead? You may want to check your back just in case!
The final attraction is Inmates Row. To us, this felt like a huge maze. When walking through, you hear chainsaws running, but don’t see anyone until the last minute. Now, we felt this part basically had like two or three actors throughout this entire attraction. It felt very empty, we hardly saw any actors. This was our least favorite part out of the three. Hopefully in the future they will make this section a little better.
In conclusion, we had a pretty good time at Joliet Haunted Prison. A little note, we are coming up on the busy weeks. So make sure you arrive early or buy the fast pass. As we were leaving around 7:30pm, the line for general admission had gotten long, so take that into consideration when going. So are you ready to walk through the prison and escape, or will you be stuck there forever and become an inmate? Come visit and find out!

Abandoned Haunted House Complex Review 2024
Abandoned Haunted House Complex Review 2024
This weekend Halloween Blast visited Abandoned Haunted House Complex located at 2825 SE Frontage Rd, Mt Pleasant, WI 53177. Parking is free and tickets are anywhere between $40 to $60 depending on type of pass purchased (general or quick) and whether or not you choose to do the add-on axe throwing. Please visit https://abandonedhauntedhouse.com/?product=abandoned-event-ticket for more information on tickets.
Outside of the haunt where you wait in line is a small open area to relax that has a gift shop, a bar, a place to take photos and a concession stand. You aren’t allowed to take the food and drink into the haunts so use your time in line wisely. There is a trash can before you enter at the front. Stalker will empty you back to that main area at the end, whereas Hysteria and Ambush are combined and will send you back out to the ticket counters outside.
We went to Hysteria and Ambush first. This haunt sends you through in large groups, but it never feels like a conga line, even when there are slight stops in hallways as everyone is trying to find the way forward in the dark. They have everything spaced out with timers throughout the haunt to prevent one long snake of a line from happening and it is honestly mind blowing that it works.
In Hysteria, you go back in time (and space, cause we were DEFINATELY going around the world). You go through a portal and are spat out somewhere far in the past where things are dark, leafy and primitive. You transition through a short dark path that winds around and next thing you know you are in what looked to be the early 1800’s of England! One of the rooms here we liked was the small square room of plague doctors. You could hear the actors throughout the whole section coughing their lungs out with plague and the whole vibe was dour and somewhat sad. It’s not often you come across something in a haunt that can stir one’s emotions like that. We also ended up in Egypt where Karen pet a snake, and somewhere we never identified. Possibly somewhere in France? There was a room where you were “outside” and it’s snowing. Everyone in our group was in wonder over the snow indoors. Not scary, but beautiful and unique.
Ambush is the second half of this haunt. You wait in a short queue about halfway through for maybe a minute and a half per group. One of the first rooms in this haunt that stood out was the strip club and bar. The actor in this room had us rolling with laughter. They were sniffin at us and told Amanda and Karen they could stay, but David, they wrinkled their nose at and told him he smelled like “poor”. Another interaction was with Karen in the prison showers. A prisoner was trying to get her to hop in with him and she was insistent he take David instead.
The last haunt we went through was Stalker. Stalker is partially indoors and outdoors. It’s set in a corn maze and one of the main themes of it is kind of hillbilly-esque. The girl on the front porch at the start of the line wanted some kind of gift from us, but we often end up giving away small tokens from actors we have received through the night. This time we held onto them and she settled for some of Amanda’s loose hair that she put in her little pouch before letting us in. We went through a house scene that somehow became a crematorium when we went outside to another building. When we walked through there it had Amanda cackling for some reason when she saw a corpse being burned with REAL FIRE. We don’t know what the corpse was made of, that it didn’t melt or actually burn, but you could feel the rush of heat as the fire lit. One thing that stood out in Stalker this year was that it was EXTREMELY foggy, even outside. We were having a very hard time navigating at one point outside and had to be somewhat led by the actors so we didn’t wander off the path. We don’t even know how the fog can be that thick on a windy night, but it was impressive. We did miss out on scenery and some scares in these sections because of it, but we still had some good interactions while being heralded through the mist.
Abandoned Haunted House Complex is one of the longest haunts we review. We were there for close to an hour and a half to two hours, and that was with little to no wait in line because we got there as they just opened. You most definitely get bang for your buck at this haunt. We had such a great time talking with actors we remember from previous years and getting to meet new characters and old friends. This haunt is always beautifully put together and an all around amazing place to visit. Please come visit and we sincerely hope you have as awesome a night as we did.

Soul Reaper Review 2024
Soul Reaper Review 2024
Halloween Blast visited Soul Reaper Haunted House this weekend, located at 30820 111th St, Wilmot, WI 53192. They are located on Kenosha County Fairgrounds. With that being said, please dress warm because even though this haunt looks like it is in doors, it is actually built in a stable. It is still cold during the cool days in October, so please check the weather and treat this as going to an outdoors haunt. Tickets are $25 for general admission and $35 for vip. For more information, please visit www.soulreapershaunt.com .Parking is free for this event.
When we went to Soul Reaper, we arrived late in the evening around 9:30pm. Soul Reaper closes at 10pm, so by the time we got there it was already pretty dead and things were winding down. There were only a few late customers besides ourselves. In the queue, they have a sound system set up playing some catchy music. One thing we noticed was the entrance to the haunt was different. Last year, it was a creepy old house. This year, it has a huge demon-like mouth open with crosses on either side. The first part of the haunt was like a house with a kitchen, a dining area and a bedroom set up. We met Jack in the kitchen. He was all in Karen’s face and asked if she wanted his food, but she said no. He didn’t like that and disappeared suddenly. We found him again later in the haunt asking Karen to roll some dice for a bet between him and someone named Kitty. He asked us to find Kitty and give her a poker chip, telling her she still lost. We found Kitty’s mother soon after and we guessed things are not great between the two. We did eventually find Kitty, but forgot to give her the chip. That was on us…sorry Kitty!
The next part of the haunt was a hospital. We ended up running into the nurse in the hospital and she started showing us her teeth in a cup! She then told us that the doctor isn’t in today, but there was someone who “thought” he was a doctor. Walking further, we ended up in a funeral home with a casket displaying a girl’s father inside. We like how they made it feel like an actual funeral home in such a small space. After the funeral home, we walked into the underworld! This place looks like the underworld with all the skeletons in the rooms. They have a prison section with skeletons locked up behind bars. On the bars it said hell written in bones, which we thought was a nice touch.
Soul Reaper has made some new changes this year. One thing we wanted to point out is that this haunt is very interactive with people. Every room you go through, they make you part of the scene. Then, as you get ready to walk into the next room, they set it up for you. Like you are in the funeral home and they go, “well, it’s time to go to hell!” Then you walk into the next scene and you’re in hell. Great job to the crew for the great acting! The only somewhat negative thing about Soul Reapers when we went was they were very low on actors this night, so the haunt felt kinda empty a little bit. We found out that a lot of actors were sick with the weather changing as drastically as it had so we completely understood. If you’re in the Wilmot Wisconsin area, then check them out!

Hoppers Haunted House Review 2024
Hoppers Haunted House Review 2024
Halloween Blast visited Hoppers Haunt this weekend. They are located at 1156 IL-2 Rockford, IL 61102. Tickets are $20 each. They only accept cash. If you do forget they have an ATM on site available. Parking is free. The haunt is an outside haunt, so dress appropriately as well wear appropriate shoes.
While you’re waiting in line keep your eyes peeled. They have some amazing artwork both in and out of the haunt. The artwork while you wait in line is so colorful and vibrant, it was all airbrushed. This haunt reminded us of a bunch of movies, because every room you walked past had a different theme and we absolutely loved that.
Walking through this haunted house was so creepy. One of Karen’s favorite parts was when we heard a bat dragging on the ground in the distance as actors were popping out of the dark trying to scare us. They can’t touch you and you can’t touch them, but our imagination ran wild, not sure what was going to pop up next because we were so focused on the creepy guy dragging the bat.
Next, we were in the forest and suddenly saw a clown just standing there. It made us think of the clown from Terrifyer when we saw him. The clown was so incredibly still that he made us think he was an animatronic, so we didn’t even think twice till we walked past him and he scared us. He then chased us with a chainsaw but we couldn’t actually run from him.
While staring at all the cool art work in the dimly lit haunted house, we were super distracted because the art work was so cool. All of a sudden, a clown in a glow in the dark mask popped up to scare us! This was a good scare because they used amazing art work and distraction to do it!
Then we came across a wall full of crosses, and we knew that could only mean one thing: a Nun! Well, we walked past a room with a nun in there and she was so creepy the way she said , “give me your soul”. When Karen told her no, she got angry and wanted our souls even more, causing Karen to walk faster just a little faster.
At the end of the haunt, we walked past a room where this clown said, “wanna play with me?”. Karen said “no thanks” then he called her a loser making us laugh. We couldn’t stop laughing all the way to the door, in which we got chased by 3 clowns with chainsaws!
Hoppers Haunt made a lot of changes this season. They installed more lighting, but still kept some areas in the dark. It was a great job of balancing light and dark throughout the haunt. They also put in concrete in the haunt as well, so Hopper’s was very busy with the new changes this year. Another thing that stood out to us this year was the acting. We feel like the actors stepped up their game this year. It wasn’t screaming and “get out!”, they acted like they were hungry for blood! They wanted you to stay and be friends so they could torment you. They kept acting even when you walked out, begging you to stay. You can hear them in the next room screaming for you to come back. Hoppers stepped up BIG time! They are not playing around for their 30th season! Hoppers was like, “Here we are Chicago, we challenge you to try to survive our haunt!”. Even on the back of the ticket it says, “see you in the woods 2025” so they are already thinking of next year. They’re not done yet with taking their haunt to another level. So if you visited last year, they aren’t the same haunt you remember. If you haven’t visited them at all, then what are you waiting for? Check out Hoppers Haunt, and like we said, if you saw them last year check them out again this year because it is their celebration of 30 years of fear and still going!
Hayride of Horror Review 2024
Hayride of Horror Review 2024
We visited Hayride of Horror on October 12, 2024. Hayride of Horror is located at 199 Woods Dr, Lockport, IL 60441. Tickets are $15 for General Pass which admits one person to either Hayride of Horror or the Curse of the Bayou. A Combo Pass is $25, which gets you into both attractions. Their Speed Pass is $35 which lets you skip the line for both attractions. This haunt is open every Friday and Saturday from 7 to 10pm. The last two weeks of October, they are open on Sunday from 6 to 9pm as well. The day we went they were very busy, so we do recommend that you go as soon as they open or you will be waiting for a while.
The first attraction we did was Hayride of Horror. The wagon takes you to different scenes in a big open field. Some of the scenes include a clown section, crystal lake, a cemetery and a few other scenes we will keep a secret for your enjoyment. Going through the field, we encounter some little monsters. A lot of them were kids, which was so cute and awesome! These kids had so much energy and were so into their characters. They would run up to the wagon trying to kill us! When you see these kids, you can tell how much fun they were having. There was a little girl who just stood still, not moving a muscle that caught our eye. At just the right time, she started acting all creepy and running around. This little girl was amazing! Everyone on the hayride thought she was a doll until she moved. There was a Jason standing in the middle of the road just staring at the tractor heading towards him. He looked like a real killer in a horror movie. We are telling you, these kids are made to be haunted house actors!
The next attraction we did was Curse of the Bayou, which is basically their Haunted House. In the past, we loved the bayou. This year, we weren’t crazy about it. To us, it was short and felt more like a maze than a haunt. It felt like there weren’t that many actors in the bayou. The ones that we did meet did a great job, we won’t take that away from them, but if anything else we feel like the bayou needs a lot of work or at least to change it up. So the maze part was ok but I felt like there was only one actor in the big maze.
We always love riding the hayride every year and seeing these kids perform. You get to see them get all into it trying to scare people on the hayride. Like we said before, we think the bayou needs a lot of work, like an update. We still had a good time. It was extremely busy that night, and the Hayride of Horror crew did a great job trying to move the line, loading people on and off the hayride and through the haunt without having any long conga lines. If you’re looking to do something with the family and take them out to a haunt, then check out Hayride of Horror in Lockport!

Nightmare Haunted House Review 2024
Nightmare Haunted House Review 2024
Halloween Blast went to Nightmare Haunted House located at 509 East Hunter Lane, Minooka, IL. Tickets are FREE. They just ask that you donate and the donations go to a good cause. They do have parking and it is free, although it is in a residential area so parking may or may not be limited at times. They do not have any bathrooms, so please use the bathroom at home before you come! They have a few restaurants before you get to the haunt so you can go there.
A fun fact you may not know is that this haunt is in a GARAGE! You would not even know it is in a garage. It’s amazing! We were amazed with how well they were able to find hiding spots in such a small space. They had a lot of rooms as well. They even had a toilet in the haunt! They have also added animatronics this year! The craziest part we saw is that they made giant rats in the garbage. They’ve done a great job! For a home haunt, this is one we absolutely recommend you visit! Every year they always step up their game. It is always great seeing what they come up with. Their actors do a fanatic job in entertaining and scaring you. We don’t know what else to say about the Nightmare actors, because you expect a home haunts actors just to say “get out” and “boo!”. These guys don’t, they want you to stay and they want to terrorize you! They are crazy and insane. When you walk through this haunt, you don’t expect much from it, but these guys are on a whole other level. We’ve been to haunts in the past that had a lot of space and it wasn’t that great. These guys just have a garage and we wanted more. We wanted to see what else they could do! If we had to say something bad about the Nightmare, it would be that it’s not long enough, because we would love to see what they can do with more space. This haunt makes us want to visit more home haunts. If you’ve never been to the Nightmare, then you’re missing out big time. You want to get in the haunt business and learn to build your own home haunt? Check them out right away!

Realm of Terror Review 2024
Realm of Terror Review 2024
Halloween Blast visited Realm of Terror this weekend. They are located at 421 W Rollins Road, Round Lake Beach 60073. Tickets prices range from $25.99 to $55.99 depending on the package you choose. Parking is free. Wear comfortable clothing and dress appropriately for the weather as the wait to get into the haunted house is outside.
When you buy your ticket, it will have a number on it. In their midway area, there is a tv by the entrance to the haunt. Once your number comes up, you may enter the haunt. In the meantime, you can check out some activities in their midway. If you have an express or vip ticket, you will skip the virtual waiting line. They have a lot of activities to do such as tossing the brain games, photo ops, food spots with walking tacos and a gift shop. There is a lot to do before going into the haunt and afterwards as well.
Last year, we entered the haunt through the house, but now we enter through a small cabin-like thing, so they switched up the entry point of the haunt. Once we entered the haunt, we got stuck in the first room. We didn’t know how to get out. We were wondering how we would progress further into the haunt when we first walked into what we thought was a dead end. Luckily, there was a secret way out. While walking through the haunt, we came across curtains that were blowing that made you think about horror movies and it’s when you’re least expecting anything to happen, but they had people behind a few curtains to pop out and scare you. They did a great job with costumes blending into this part. One of Karen’s favorite rooms was the pumpkin area. She loved how it was filled with pumpkins and Jack O’lanterns everywhere. That was so cool! She said it somewhat reminded her of catacombs, but it is pumpkins instead of skulls. There was even a living breathing pumpkin in there that tried to attack us!
There was also a cabin-like room that was moving while walking through it. It was their spin on a tilted room, but it would tilt up and down instead of always being slanted. You had to keep adjusting how you would stand to get all the way around. This was a wonderful design by the Realm of Terror crew. We absolutely loved it!
Lastly, a part of the haunt that we loved was the dark maze. It wasn’t always our favorite before, but now it is because they changed it! You are actually walking through the darkness, but it wasn’t just a dark maze. There is now stuff happening in the dark! Karen actually got scared a couple of times. Although the maze wasn’t just all blacked out, they had parts where lights would appear so you were relieved for a second that you could see, then it became flashing lights and monsters would pop out. Be aware of flashing lights, monsters creep in from where you least expect! After you survive the dark maze, then you enter a fog maze where it is lit up but fog everywhere makes it near impossible to see where you are going. Trust us, it was not easy trying to escape this maze; fun and terrifying, but not easy.
In the end, we had a blast at Realm of Terror. The only thing we wished for was to see more of the haunt. They do an amazing job with the rooms and everything. The pumpkin area was amazing and some of the rooms are very gory walking through them. Like we said, Realm of Terror does a great job with room designs and detail. If you haven’t visited Realm of Terror yet, then what are you waiting for? Go check them out!