Evil Intentions review
Evil Intentions is located at 900 Grace Street Elgin, IL 60120. Tickets are $30 for general admission and $40 for VIP Fast Pass.
Evil Intentions has now purchased the building next door to them making the haunt now 3 floors. The first thing I remember seeing was the que line actors. There was a guy on the floor at the very front of the line that looked very morose and relaxed sitting with his back against the wall. I remember turning around to look at another actor in a diaper playing with a plunger and felt a really fast movement behind me. As fast as I had turned, I turned back to the guy and he was in my face. He was 5 feet away from me 2 seconds before. This guy is a mover, and are often one of the most unpredictable of actors and the ones you often have to be wary of.
We immediately get on and Industrial Elevator entering the haunt. You could probably fit a small truck on this thing and all you see when you look up is cables and pulls. Not being a fan of elevators, I damn near went into a panic attack when I realized where I was. Thankfully, they just give you the rules here and let you out the other side. We ended up taking the stairs to the next floor.
Evil intention always have the uneasy feeling when you enter the haunt and walk threw it.I remember going through a church and there was this super tall bearded guy in there that I assume was supposed to be the pastor. I also remember laughing really hard when he told us he doesn’t understand why people keep coming to his church, they are all looking for God, but God is not here. I don’t know why I found this so funny, maybe it was the way he said it, really sinister like but with this really confused look on his face when I looked back at him. I can’t remember how many rooms after that, but there was an EXTREMELY tight balloon wall and my crewmates had to help push me through because I got stuck halfway. We came to a room were a woman was measuring us like we were getting a dress or suit made for us but come to find out it was for a coffin. Now the next part is amazing. They have a maze but it was in the shape of coffins. This was so creative how they did this. To who ever came up with this idea, we love it.
The last room i remember is the white room. There were strobes going of and it had a really high ceiling with a lot of things to climb on. I was almost to the door across the room when I heard a soft whistle in my ear. By the time I turned, no one was there. When I turned to look the other way, however, all I saw was teeth! My mysterious whistler was so close to me, I couldn’t even see the rest of his face at first! That was probably one of the best scares I got that night!
All in all, Evil Intentions pretty much revamped the entire haunt and we all loved what they did with it! I think of all the haunts we’ve been to this season, this haunt has changed the most. It was refreshing to go to a haunt and have it be some actor you recognise, and the same vibe, but have everything look completely different. A LOT of work went into these changes for this year and let me tell you, man did it pay off! Great job guys!