Reapers Realm review
Reapers Realm is located at 626 177th St. Hammond, IN. 46324. They have many different ticket prices, so it would be best to go to their website ( to see prices. They also have a $3 parking fee to park in their lot. Just to let you guys know, Reapers Realm does have a carnival (CarnEVIL) with rides, games and food. The night we went there, there weren’t that many actors walking around. We only saw maybe two walking around. Reapers Realm is composed of three haunts: Haunted Mansion, Reapers Revenge and Reaper’s Woods.
The first stop we made was the Haunted Mansion. As you enter, you are greeted by The Reaper himself. He tells you the haunt rules and gives you the chance to leave. If you are brave enough, he lets you enter the next room.
The first room was the cage maze. The monsters were jumping all over the bars! As we walked through the mansion, we entered a boiler room were we met…FREDDY KRUEGER! As we got closer to the end, there is the 3D room. Before you enter the 3D room, you have to go down a slide. The 3D here is AMAZING! From clowns face paint, to the detailS on the walls!
The next stop is Reapers Revenge. Before you enter the haunt, you see an inmate in a chair. There is a woman telling us what he did, and that he must be punished. As she pulls down the lever and starts electrocuting him, the lights started flickering and completely turned off! A moment later, the light turned back on but the inmate was gone! Now, we can’t tell you what happens next, but be careful! Reapers Revenge is like a dark maze and it’s very easy to lose yourself.
The final haunt was Reapers Woods. As we enter the woods, there was a lot of red balloons flying around. We soon realized why there were so many balloons…we ran into Pennywise! As we got deeper into the woods, we also bumped into Michael Myers. He started following us, but when we looked back, he was gone. We ran into him again laying on the ground and we thought he was dead. Then all of the sudden, he rose up and started chasing us! I still don’t know how he got so far ahead of us!
Reapers Realm has been around a very long time. The Haunted Mansion is always amazing to look at. You can actually see the mansion from the expressway it’s so large! Another cool scene is the Michael Myers house that they have in the middle of the Reapers Woods. One of the new scenes I loved was the “It” scene that they put into the Reapers Woods. They put a good amount of detail in it that looked amazing! I hope to see a lot of changes and new ideas next year.